Truegame Bitcoin


To submit ourself to the goddess of chance in a form of dices or cards is one activity which is adored by thousands of people around the world. With a little piece of enterpreneurship drive, money was inserted to the ritual, making the spin of the dices ever more excited. Gambling has been a part of our society for a very long time. Following with the technology, what used to be a dice throwing on the roulette or table, turn into a click in the screen.

To picture how many people are into gambling, in 2016 the volume of gambling industry is USD 44.16 billion. It is forecasted that in 2022 the volume will grow to USD 81.71 billion. Annual Growth is expected to be about 18%.

There is unfornuately one big issue in the gambling business, which is trust. Either it is trust between all the players, or trust between the player and the platform or casino manager. Without complete trust between all the players and the game maker, there will always be a held back factor which prevent the game to meet its true potential.

With the upcoming blockchain technology, there is a huge potential for growth in the gambling business. Smart contracts and Blockchain allows a game to occur without a casino or online platform. With oher anonymous people becoming the insurance of the game, trust will be no longer an issue.

Main Feature

Truegame is the first and only gambling business using blockchain technology. It offers 4 major benefits:

  1. Absolute integritiy of prize drawings

Since the gambling use blockchain technology, it means the gambling result will be able to be tracked by every user any time. User will have more trust since the result is open to everyone, and no certain authority is responsible for it.

  1. Fair chances to each player

With blockchain technology, the game of chance will have totally random combination which is immuned from foul.

  1. Fair distribution of the winnings

Since no authority involved in the winning prized distrubution, it means the distribution will be fair for all the players.

  1. Fully integrated platform

The platform for the game has been established which makes it easier to integrate the blockchain and smart contracts technology in any game.

Advantage for Tgame token holders

  • Number of active users has already registered in Truegame webiste already. The first bonus fund has been carried out in December 2017. And Everyweek lotteries are being held, prizes are being drawn, scratchcards are bing actively played.
  • Truegame has been approved by professional investors, business angles, and top professionals in crypto and gambling indsutry.
  • We closed private investments round for 1 day;
  • We are the only ones who have ever implemented scratchcards based on smart contracts:
    • 1st Crypto Scratch-off
    • Crypto Space Battle
    • Good Luck Meme
    • Old School Scratch-off
    • Code me Scratch-off
    • Crypto Legends
  • We are the only ones who launched a classical German 6/49 Lottery based on smart contract;

ICO Plan

The TTC will be issued on ECH20 with a total amount of 1,000,000,000 (1Billion), in which 25% of total coin will be set for sale. ICO participants can purchase TTC with ETH in exchanges.

1ETH = 4,000TTC

Token Name: TTC

Platform : Ethereum

Standard: ERC-20

Total issue: 250,000,000

Pre-ICO : 10am March 12 2018

Main-ICO: 10am March 26 2018

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