

Youth are driven to advertise their personal lives now more than ever. Hasty development of mobile communication technology is easing the way for millenials to exhibit their character, imposing their value to public and exchanging information one to each other. These swift changing of habit, is caused by number of major social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Weibo.

As the demand to trade information keep increasing, users are limited by the current centralized structure. There are 2 downside of this centralized structure:

  1. Limited Information

Since every information which is shared on the platform must be filtered beforehand by the platform owner,  the content of the information is fairly limited. Content which is prohibited by the platform owner, will not be able to be brought up to public.

  1. Less Reward for User

The platform will be the one who decide the amount of the reward given, the reward received by user will not be able to be maximized.

centralized vs decentralized

Centralized platform vs Decentralized platform

However, with the upcoming blockchain technology, it is possible to make the decentralized social media strutures. Bitcoin offers a system which allows users to keep track of events, financial transactions, contents, and user information with no central authority. With no central authority to filter the content, it means user will be free to share any content that he/she wished. And also, reward could be directly given from the funding companies to the designated user.

Social Networks with Incentivized Token

CryptoCurrency Token will be rewarded to users who contribute to the networks. These incentives will lead the social networks in few ways:

  1. Proactive Users

Users who contribute more to others, will be rewarded more

  1. Healthy Atmosphere

Positive User Generated Content which goes along with the network values will be appreciated more. This will help to maintain the network to stick with its main purpose.

  1. Exponential Growth

While the network keep gaining more users, the network valuation wil rise, and therefore the reward which will be provided for content generators will surge. This way, public awareness will spread by itself, since more users will be resulted with higher incentives.

TTC TOKENValue Chain

The value chain of user behavior and incentive

TTC is a token developed based on blockchain technology. The blockchain technology is used as the operating medium for smarts contract. Blockchain Technology will issue the rewards to user based on user’s contribution level to the platform. Users with more contribution will receive higher incentive.

Advertisers are able to introduce their products through TTC Protocol’s advertising platform. As mention earlier, since there will be no central authority in the platform, therefore the profit from advertising can be delivered directly to users.

Economic System

Issued Token Pool
A demonstration of issued TTC tokens pool and advertising TTC tokens pool

TTC Tokens will be distributed on daily basis to users who help the platform grows. There are 3 types of rewards:

  1. Content Reward

Rewards given to users who create high quality content. Users who participate in sharing, reporting, liking, and commenting the content will also be rewarded.

  1. Reputation Reward

Rewards given to users who has been acknowledged by others through the high quality content posting.

  1. Advertising Reward

Rewards given to users who participate in promotional activities such as watching advertisements, par ticipating in themed campaigns, or completing customer survey

ICO Plan

The TTC will be issued on ECH20 with a total amount of 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion), in which 25% of total coin will be set aside for sale. ICO participants can purchase TTC with ETH in exchanges.

1ETH = 4,000TTC

Token Name: TTC

Platform : Ethereum

Standard: ERC-20

Total issue: 250,000,000

Pre-ICO : 10am March 12 2018

Main-ICO: 10am March 26 2018

The team:

Brian Cheng ~ President & Founder

Chase Chang ~ VP, Ecosystem


For more information follow us here:





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