Hallo Holla

This blog is written by drunk fingers. Please be nice to them 🙂

Hi, Nice to meet you!

I am a 20 years old male , currently living in Bandung. It was a Thursday Night when a storm of boredom hit me.  The night was just like every other dark sight in a week. And like every other eve, something important was waiting to be done, but I get interrupted by less priority activity (Should I say more fun activity, but it didn’t really feel like it).

My computer is turned on, lamping like a refrigerator door. It felt like I wanted to do something but had no idea what it was. Lots of disparate thoughts popping up. Some of them were jumping , laying up , laying down ,  rolling forward , rolling backward , and many other scary stuffs. I tried some of them for a few times .Ended with sweat and sorrow. But still , even then, even more, suprisingly ,  still  , my spidey senses……keep ringing out. For a moment—-I thought I was hungry. Like they said “food to boredom, is like a zipper to pants”It just fits, make your belly tight, and stopping you from breathing. Considering my 2015’s resolution , I decided to skip this possiblity.

Then, I walked around my room a couple times, till i saw a book (it is not a big room). It was a thin fairy tale book. An easy reading book about a happy family with a flying fairy. Then out of nowhere, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to write. Writing in a pen is surely tiring.  A blog seemed to be a more fetching option. And wordpress served the best white page.

So, here it is. The blog born out of desire to cure boredom. The name “Nappingtime” , rose from the fact, I was about to sleep when this is created. This is a blog about any random thought I have. Hope you dont mind reading it, and I wish to hear yours as well. For me writing is a good way to communicate thoughts and experience. I want to seriously try to introduce myself to others.

A little announcement, I am not a very expressive kind of human, so please, if you feel boring reading the scripts, and if you’re kindly enough, you can tell me where i’m doing wrong.  I will try to fix my writings, so both reading and writing can be fun, haha.

Thank you for spending your time here. Hope you nothing but the best.

 “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” —William Wordsworth

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